Sita Messer

Sita Messer © Ben Bischof

Sita Messer

Bühnen- und Kostümbildner, Performer

Stage and costume designer / performer – Hanover, Germany
Participant International Forum 2019

Sita Messer was born in Holstein in 1988 and grew up in Hamburg. In 2012, he began to study costume design at Hochschule Hannover. As part of the practical part of his studies, a scholarship enabled him to go to New York City. In 2015, while still a student, he created his first own costume and stage designs at Münchner Volkstheater (“Die Präsidentinnen”) and Schauspielhaus Hamburg (“Der jüngste Tag”), both directed by Abdullah Kenan Karaca. In 2016, Sita Messer continued this collaboration with productions like “Katzelmacher” and “Medea” at Münchner Volkstheater and “Für immer ganz oben”, a coproduction as part of the Munich Biennial. In 2016 he was nominated as emerging artist of the year by the critics’s review of the magazine Theater heute for his costumes for “Katzelmacher”. Since 2016, Sita has been regularly working with the composer Brigitta Muntendorf on hybrid projects between new music, theatre and performance in cities like Frankfurt/Main, Stuttgart and Århus (“iScreen, YouScream!”, “Für immer ganz oben”, “BALLETT FÜR ELEVEN”), as well as focusing more on his own multimedia performance projects. In 2018, Sita self-produced the mockumentary “Kometen” and became a member of the queer performance group Cointreau On Ice.

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