Tine Rahel Völcker

Tine Rahel Völcker © Miki Yui

Tine Rahel Völcker

Tine Rahel Völcker was born in Berlin in 1979 and studied creative writing for the stage at the Berlin University of the Arts. For her second play, “Kreuzotter”, she received the award of Kulturstiftung der Dresdner Bank in 2002. During the season of 2005/2006, she was author-in-residence at Nationaltheater Mannheim. Projects at Düsseldorfer Schauspielhaus, Maxim Gorki Theater Berlin and Schauspielhaus Wien and others followed. Apart from writing for the theatre, Tine Rahel Völcker is also the author of radio plays for independent productions. Tine Rahel Völcker lives in Berlin and is represented by Gustav-Kiepenheuer-Bühnenverlag.

As of April 2017

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