Hugo Esquinca
Hugo Esquinca (born in Mexico City, 1990) produces actions and conditions utilising audio electronics at excessive levels of amplification. His work has been executed in different contexts such as EMPAC, New York; Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam; National Centre for Contemporary Arts NCCA, Moscow; Nikola Tesla Museum, Zagreb; Festspielhaus HELLERAU, Dresden; CONCRETE at Alserkal Avenue, Dubai; Namba BEARS, Osaka, Japan; 20000V, Tokyo; Ploschad Mira (Peace Square), Krasnoyarsk, Russia; Le Centquatre-Paris; Fondazione Antonio Ratti, Como, Italy; Ujazdowski Castle Centre for Contemporary Art, Warsaw; Haus der Kulturen der Welt; Tresor and Berghain, Berlin, among others.
As of: March 2024