Mai-An Nguyen

Born and raised in Cottbus in 1989, she had her first and most formative theatre experiences at the Piccolo Theatre and spent her entire youth there. From 2011 to 2014, Mai-An Nguyen studied theatre pedagogy at Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences/Lingen Campus. During her studies, she became part of the BuT committee “Youth Clubs at Theatres” and volunteered for the national meeting “Youth Clubs at Theatres” until 2017, most recently as jury spokesperson.
In 2014, she took up her first engagement at the Neue Bühne Senftenberg under the direction of Manuel Soubeyrand and in 2017 her path led her to the Maxim Gorki Theatre under the direction of Shermin Langhoff, where she worked closely with Uta Plate to develop the education programme for the work of the Exil Ensemble.
She has been at the Schaubühne am Lehniner Platz since 2019, where she has been head of theatre education since 2020.

As of: February 2024

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