Jan Koslowski

Jan Koslowski grew up in Berlin and has been a member of the P14 youth theatre at the Volksbühne Berlin am Rosa Luxemburg Platz since 2007, initially on stage and later as a director. This was followed by directing internships with René Pollesch and his first own plays as part of P14. He took part in the 2010 Theatertreffen der Jugend with the play "Paulina sulla spiaggia" and the Bundestreffen der Jugendclubs an Theatern with the production "Beschissene Umarmungen". He studied at the Akademie für Darstellende Kunst Baden-Württemberg and is currently attending the masterclass for directing at the Zurich University of the Arts. He has directed plays for the Badisches Staatstheater's playwriting festival and the Biennale Neue Stücke Europa in Wiesbaden, among others, as well as currently for the Schauspielhaus Stuttgart.

As of: May 2013

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