Rika Weniger
Actor – Neubrandenburg/Brussels, Germany/Belgium
Participant International Forum 2018
Rika Weniger is an actor and was born in Neubrandenburg, where she performed at the Kammertheater Neubrandenburg, a former artists’ collective. This experience has informed her future theatre work, as did guest performances at Theaterhaus Jena and Sophiensaele Berlin. She trained at Rostock’s Hochschule für Musik und Theater and received an acting award at the 2004 “Treffen deutschsprachiger Schauspielstudierender” (Conference of German-language Acting Students) in Hannover. She was engaged by Oldenburgisches Staatstheater and Staatstheater Braunschweig, where she performed in the award winning productions of the Fast-Forward-Festival – European Festival for Young Directors, Jonas Petersen, Antoine Laubin and Marta Górnicka. “Szenarien”, directed by Antoine Laubin, was invited to Heidelberger Stückemarkt. Marta Górnicka’s chorus production “M(other) Courage” was nominated for the German Theatre Award DER FAUST. Antoine Laubin’s production of “Heimat(en)” was invited to the Festival XS in Brussels and the Festival d’Avignon.