Margrit Sengebusch
Dramaturge – Zurich/Biel, Switzerland
Participant International Forum 2018
Dramaturge Margrit Sengebusch was born on the Baltic Sea Coast. She studied Cultural Studies and Aesthestic Practise at the University of Hildesheim and in Porto. While still a student, she worked as a dramaturge with Treibstoff Theatertage Basel. This was followed by work as a dramaturge and performer with the collective vorschlag:hammer at Ballhaus Ost Berlin. Between 2011 and 2013, she was assistant director at Schauspielhaus Zürich, where she worked with Antú Romero Nunes, René Pollesch und Lars-Ole Walburg, amongst others. Here she also created her pieces “Bis einer heult” and “David’s Formidable Speech on Europe”, the latter as a contribution to the mitos21-project at Autorentheatertage Berlin at Deutsches Theater Berlin. She is responsible for the poetry in the photobook “Land ohne Mitte”, which received the German Photobook Award. In 2016, she was 1st AD for the film “Club Europa” (produced within the series “Das kleine Fernsehspiel by ZDF). Since 2016, she has been working as a dramaturge at Theater Orchester Biel Solothurn, where her responsibilities include Swiss premieres of plays by writers such as Jonas Hassen Khemiri.