Nina Karimy © Mario Högemann
actor, performer, author, dramaturg
Actor, performer, author, dramaturg – Dortmund, Germany
Participant International Forum 2023
Nina Karimy (they, no pronouns / them, their) was born in Rojhalat and grew up in Borujerd, Sna, Banah and Frankfurt/Main. Nina works as an actor, performer, author and dramaturg and has been producing collaborative work under the label of Nina&Karimy Kollektiv since 2018.
Nina’s work includes the play “QWEENDOM”, which Nina wrote together with Sophia Hankings-Evans and which was premiered at Theater Oberhausen in 2022. Also in 2022, Nina performed at the Radikal jung Festival in “Karneval”, a production directed by Joana Tischkau. Nina relishes loving artistic connections with Mario Högemann, Sophia Hankings-Evans, DOore Antrie, Nazila Karimy and Danielle Piragibe. In 2022, Nina received research funding from the Fonds Darstellende Künste for their piece “PornoGRAFIK” and the 2023 process funding for an upcoming project entitled “COME WITH ME”. Nina lives in Dortmund.