Thandi Sebe © Naima Sebe
Schauspielerin, Autorin, Regisseurin
Actor, author, director – Berlin / Cape Town, Germany / South Africa
Participant International Forum 2018
The 28-year-old German-South African Thandi Sebe grew up in Cape Town. After graduating from high school she returned to Berlin, where she was born, to study English and American Literature at the Humboldt University. In 2014 she wrote the theatre play “Mostly Waiting” and produced a documentary work to accompany it. Both the play and the documentary were staged/presented in Cape Town and funded by the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation. In collaboration with Amina Eisner Thandi Sebe wrote “Jung, giftig und Schwarz”: In this play, premiered in 2015 at Ballhaus Naunynstraße, they both directed and appeared on stage as Polly and Laela. In 2016 Thandi Sebe directed a series of music videos for various artists in Jamaica and South Africa. At the beginning of 2016 she played her first leading film role in the American production “Empire of the Sharks”. In August 2016 she translated Ismail Khalidi’s play “Tennis in Nablus” from English into German. This was performed at Ballhaus Naunynstraße as part of the festival After The Last Sky.