Carolin Emcke

Carolin Emcke © Andreas Labes

Carolin Emcke

Carolin Emcke, born in 1967, studied philosophy in London, Frankfurt and at Harvard University. She earned a PhD for her dissertation on the concept of “collective identities”.

Since 1998, Carolin Emcke has been travelling to crisis areas all over the world, including Kosovo, Afghanistan, Colombia, Gaza, Haiti and Iraq. In 2003/2004 she was a Visiting Lecturer on political theory at Yale University.

She is a freelance journalist and received the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung’s award for “The political book” and the sponsorship award of the Ernst-Bloch-Award, as well as the Theodor-Wolff-Prize in 2008, the Otto-Brenner-Prize for Critical Journalism, the German Reporter Award for journalist of the year in 2010, the Journalist-Award for Childrens’ Rights in 2012, the Johann-Heinrich-Merck-Prize in 2014 and the Lessing-Award of the Free State of Saxony in 2015. Her works “Von den Kriegen. Briefe an Freunde”, “Stumme Gewalt. Nachdenken über die RAF” and “Wie wir begehren” were published by S. Fischer.

As of December 2015

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