Sebastian Mauksch

Sebastian Mauksch is a theatre director for young audiences. In the noughties, he created the P14 youth theatre at the Volksbühne am Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz together with the young actors. This was followed by invitations to the Theatertreffen der Jugend, national meetings of youth clubs at theatres such as Rakvere (Estonia), Szczecin (Poland) and Denizli (Turkey). They collectively established the autonomous artistic working method "Make your own theatre!" by P14. Further collaboration with the mobile container theatre “Rollende Road Schau” and the platform “Parasit im 3. Stock” for young playwrights. From 2008, productions at Ballhaus Ost, funded by the Hauptstadtkulturfonds, and at the Freiburg Theatre. Workshops, performative interventions and artistic research at Berlin schools, specialist conferences and youth theatre festivals on the art of adolescence. In recent years, director of installative theatre productions for a participatory audience in cooperation with Ballhaus Ost with invitations to the festivals “Augenblick Mal!” and “Wildwechsel” 2021.  He lives in Berlin, where he works continuously with Toni Jessen.

As of: February 2024

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