Chipo Precious Basopo

Chipo Precious Basopo © Mr Mutasa of Tswatography

Chipo Precious Basopo

Regisseurin, Schriftstellerin, Kunstpädagogin

Director, writer, arts educator – Harare, Zimbabwe
Participant International Forum 2020/2021/2022

Currently Director of CHIPAWO and chairperson of the interim committee of AASITE Zimbabwe. A graduate of CHIPAWO youth programme. A diploma in Media Arts (Midlands State University) 2005. Her work with mostly children and young adults has involved project management, training of primary school teachers and local artists involved in performing arts education as well as the running of community performing arts festivals. Runs Disadvantaged Rural Children project, establishing arts education programmes at rural schools. Chipo also develops projects to do with gender, children’s rights and child counselling. Working with CHIPAWO World, a resource person in Zambia, Botswana and Namibia. As leader of Girl Power, she has empowered girls in Zimbabwe using the power of the arts. Toured many different countries of the world with CHIPAWO children and youth performing groups. Also, an accomplished theatre actor who has performed in a number of productions by the New Horizon Theatre Company. Has attended countless courses and workshops in all aspects of the arts locally and internationally. Chipo has recently been part of a national campaign on children with disabilities with the theme “My Story Our story” as the children showcased their talents. She is happily married and a proud mother of two wonderful kids, a daughter and a son.

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