Oliver Bukowski

Oliver Bukowski © Karoline Bofinger

Oliver Bukowski


Dramatist, radio play author and film scriptwriter, Oliver Bukowski, was invited to the Stückemarkt in 1992 with “Burnout”. His other plays include “Nichts Schöneres”, “Gäste” and “Der Heiler”. After studying philosophy with a major in social psychology, he received many grants and prizes, among them the Gerhart Hauptmann Prize (1994), the Mülheim Dramatists’ Prize (1999) and the Lessing Award of the Free State of Saxony (2001). Besides his work as a playwright, he also lectures at the University of Zurich, works for the UniT-Projekt in Graz, the Academy for Performing Arts in Baden-Württemberg and for the Creative Writing for the Stage study program at the Berlin University of the Arts (UdK), which he directed from 1999 to 2010 together with Jürgen Hofmann.

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