Igor Koruga

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Igor Koruga

Choreograf, Performer, Dramaturg

Choreographer, performer, dramaturg – Belgrade, Serbia
Participant International Forum 2020/2021

Igor Koruga was born in Belgrade, Serbia. His education includes Master’s degrees in SocioCultural Anthropology at the University of Belgrade and in Solo/Dance/Authorship (SODA) at the Berlin University of the Arts as well as self-educational platforms in dance in the Balkans. He works mostly within the Balkans – as a freelance author/choreographer, dance dramaturg, performer, pedagogue, archiving researcher and cultural worker. Since 2006 Igor Koruga has been an active member of STATION – Service for Contemporary Dance in Belgrade. Through various dance networks in Europe, e. g. Life Long Burning, Departures and Arrivals and apap – advancing performing arts project, he created numerous works: “Hopelessness” (2017), “Only Mine Alone” (2016), “Streamlined” (2014), “Expose” (2013), “Temporaries” (2012), and others. Since 2015 he has been leading artistic and educational programmes within STATION, such as the “Puzzle” educational project and the “Archiving” platform in Serbia and the Balkans etc. Igor Koruga also worked as an academic teacher at the Belgrade Dance Institute from 2015 to 2017. Since 2009 he has been a member of the regional Balkan network Nomad Dance Academy, actively advocating for better conditions and stronger visibility of contemporary dance practices in the Balkans.

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