Clara Iannotta

Clara Iannotta © Manu Theobald

Clara Iannotta

Born in Rome in 1983, Clara Iannotta has a special interest in music as an existential, physical experience - music should not only be heard, but also seen. For this reason, among others, she prefers to speak of a choreography of sound rather than orchestration.
Iannotta studied at the conservatories of Milan and Paris, at IRCAM and at Harvard University with Alessandro Solbiati, Frédéric Durieux and Chaya Czernowin.
Recent commissions include works for Quatuor Diotima (DAAD), Trio Catch (Wittener Tage für neue Kammermusik), Ensemble intercontemporain (Festival d’Automne), Ensemble 2e2m (Festival Présence, Radio France), Münchener Kammerorchester (Musica Femina München), Neue Vocalsolisten Stuttgart (ECLAT), Arditti Quartet (Festival d'Automne), Nikel (Internationales Musikinstitut Darmstadt) and others.
Iannotta was a guest of the DAAD Artists-in-Berlin Program in 2013 and received several prizes, including the Kompositionspreis der Landeshauptstadt Stuttgart, the Berlin-Rheinsberger-Kompositionspreis and the Stipendium Stiftung Künstlerdorf Schöppingen, She was a finalist for the Kompositionspreis der Stiftung Gaudeamus, the portrait CD A Failed Entertainment was included in the Bestenliste 2/2016 der deutschen Schallplattenkritik.
Since 2014, Iannotta has been the artistic director of the Bludenzer Tage zeitgemäßer Musik.
She lives and works in Berlin.

As of August 2022

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