Anna Wille

Anna Wille born in Schwerin, worked during her school days for the theatre group at the Goethe Gymnasium Schwerin TaGGS theatre group. In 2008 the group was invited to the Theatertreffen der Jugend and the "Liebe Macht Tod" festival organised by the ZDFtheaterkanal. After graduating from high school and during her studies followed dramaturgy assistantships at the Staatstheater Schwerin State Theatre, Dresden State Theatre and Maxim Gorki Theatre Berlin. Until 2012 she studied dramaturgy at the University of Music and Theatre Theatre Leipzig. She is a freelance dramaturge and works for the collective ehrliche arbeit - freies Kulturbüro in projects of the independent theatre scene in Berlin and develops theatre projects together with the actress Julia Gräfner and develops her own theatre projects.

As of: May 2015

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