Marisol Jimenez

Marisol Jimenez © Yozy Yhang Garvey

Marisol Jiménez

Marisol Jiménez is a composer, performer and multidisciplinary artist from Guadalajara, Mexico currently residing in Berlin. Her work expresses an intense fascination with the tactile process of creating sound, an interplay of the entropic within the structured musical machinery, colliding the primeval with the technological to seek forceful sensuous and visceral energies.

Her output includes numerous chamber and electronic works, as well as sound and intermedia installations. Most of her acoustic, electronic and mixed media works involve self-made sound sculptures/ experimental electro-acoustic instruments (Noise Spring Harps), found objects, and collected sound materials from her own field recordings, improvisations, and performances. She completed a Doctorate degree in composition at Stanford University in 2011, and a Masters of Arts degree from Mills College, Oakland, CA (2005). Recently, she developed a project entitled SENSUOUS MATTER, a large scale performative installation for intervened autonomous music machines and performers, which was selected for an inm-Funding grant for 2018 in Berlin.

Jimenéz was the winner of the first prize of the 39th Irino International Composition for chamber orchestra in Tokyo and has recently been a member of the National System of Art Creators in Mexico from the national Found for the Arts and Culture (FONCA). Her work has been performed and commission by leading ensembles and interpreters of new music throughout Europe, The United States, Brazil, Japan, and Mexico.

As of January 2020

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