Nibagwire Didacienne

Nibagwire Didacienne © Akanyoni

NIBAGWIRE Didacienne

Producer, actor, playwright – Kigali, Rwanda
Participant International Forum 2021/2022

NIBAGWIRE Didacienne (Dida) is a Rwandan producer, actor, playwright and advocate for the arts and culture with more than ten years of experience. She is the founder and managing director of IYUGI Ltd, a production company based in Rwanda. Dida is the co-founder of the Kigali culture space “L’ESPACE,” a creative space inspired by the need to create a permanent home for the arts. In her work, she focuses on issues of social change. She is currently working on her new play, “Vide,” which focuses on mental health, trauma, and on how we deal and live with it. The play is aspiring to give a name to the dead and live with them happily. This is an internal journey made by many young Rwandans who have lost much in their childhood and work hard to rebuild their souls – or not. It is about the confusion that surrounds them, their survival of identity crises that they have to deal with every day.

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