Manuela Infante

Manuela Infante © Fundación Teatro a Mil

Manuela Infante

Manuela Infante is a Chilean playwright, director, scriptwriter and musician. She holds an MA degree in Cultural Analysis from the University of Amsterdam and is well known for creating scenic articulations of complex theoretical issues. With her group Teatro de Chile (2002–2016), she wrote and directed work with the permanent support of the National Fund for Cultural Development and the Arts (FONDARTS). Four of her plays have been published and translated into English and Italian. Her work has toured the US, Argentina, Brazil, Peru, Mexico, Germany, Spain, Ireland, Italy, Holland, Switzerland, Singapore, Korea and Japan. Infante has so far produced work with HAU Hebbel am Ufer in Berlin, VIE Scena Contemporanea Festival in Modena, Italy, The Watermill Center in New York, Festival Internacional de Buenos Aires (FIBA), Festival Internacional Santiago a Mil (FITAM) and TheaterWorks in Singapore. In 2015, she was appointed the first female director of Muestra Nacional de Dramaturgia (National Festival for Dramaturgy) in Chile.

As of February 2019

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