Roland Schimmelpfennig

Roland Schimmelpfennig © Justine del Corte

Roland Schimmelpfennig


Dramatist, director, dramaturge, journalist and translator Roland Schimmelpfennig was invited to the Stückemarkt in 1997 with his play “Aus den Städten in die Wälder, aus den Wäldern in die Städte”. His other plays include “Der Goldene Drache” (The Golden Dragon), “Peggy Pickit sieht das Gesicht Gottes” (Peggy Pickit Sees the Face of God) and recently “An und Aus” for the New National Theatre Tokyo. After an extended stay in Istanbul as a journalist, he studied theatre direction at the Otto Falckenberg School in Munich. Since 1996, Roland Schimmelpfennig has worked as a freelance writer and has written numerous commissioned pieces. His plays have been regularly invited to the Mülheim Theatre Festival. He has won the Else Lasker-Schüler Dramatists’ Prize, the Mülheim Dramatists’ Prize, the Nestroy Prize from the City of Vienna and the ARD Radio Play of the Year Prize.

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