Marie Alvarez © Guillermo Juárez
Autorin, Regisseurin, Lehrerin
Director, playwright, poet, educator – Buenos Aires, Argentina
Participant International Forum 2020/2021/2022
Marie Alvarez was born in Chaco, a province in northern Argentina, in 1988. She has a Bachelor’s degree in Theatre from the Universidad Nacional de Córdoba and has been producing independent plays for over twelve years now. She is part of the Argentinian Association of Critics and Theatre Researchers (AINCRIT) and The Collective of Womxn Authors. As a feminist and minorities activist, she is interested in everything to do with the concept of identity. Her work is influenced by intersectional feminism, LGBTQA+ activism, pop culture, confessional poetry and postdramatic theatre. She focuses on gender studies, poetry, documentary and postdramatic theatre. Her play “Palabras que se rompen con ellas (Words that Break with them)” has been playing continuously since 2017 and has two casts in Córdoba and Buenos Aires – where Marie lives now –; both work in parallel under her direction.
Some of her writing (plays and poems) was published in anthologies during 2019, including her play “El desate (The Untying)” that won the First Contest of Female Playwrights in CABA. She teaches creative writing workshops and in recent years has given many presentations and workshops at various festivals and conferences.