Eva Nina Lampič
Director – Ljubljana, Slovenia
Participant International Forum 2018
Eva Nina Lampič (1985) was born in Ljubljana, Slovenia. She graduated in Theatre Directing (University of Ljubljana, 2011) and holds an MA in Theatre and Performance Studies (University of Sheffield, 2013). In 2017, she devised “Sylvia”, juxtaposing creative and existential questions concerning Sylvia Plath and the performers. As co-Artist in Residence at Glej Theatre, she created and performed “A Potential Performance” (Glej Theatre, Ballhaus Ost, 2016), exploring how our minds fill in missing gaps and reveal cultural, political and gender biases. She has directed “Tarzan” (Slovene National Theatre Drama Ljubljana, 2016), “A Self-sown” (Ljubljana City Theatre, 2015) and devised “I am not” (Glej Theatre, 2014). She has performed in the video “Hamlet, Table Top Shakespeare” (Tim Etchells, 2012) and was an intern at Maxim Gorki Theater (2017), The Wooster Group and Forced Entertainment (2013). She is currently working on the experimental project “Abonnement (Moment)”, re-staging selected performances by the Slovenian State Theaters’ latest season in a new form.