Valentina Parada Gallo

Valentina Parada Gallo © Iván Urbina

Valentina Parada Gallo


Actor – Santiago, Chile
Participant International Forum 2019

Valentina Parada Gallo – performer, director and teacher – was born in Santiago de Chile. She studied acting at Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile and graduated in Applied Theater at the same institution. Since 2012 she has been working as performer with different companies as Teatro de Chile (“Zoo”, performed at Dublin Theatre Festival and Kyoto Experiment: Kyoto International Performing Arts Festival) and She She Pop (“Oratorium”, performed at Festival Internacional Santiago a Mil, among others). In 2015 she started her work as a teacher for applied theatre and she currently works with elderly people, adults and kids. Since 2016 she is working as assistant director with Juan Pablo Peragallo and Ana Luz Ormazábal. In 2018 she was part of the Programa de formación en Dirección Escénica managed by Goethe-Institut Chile and Fundación Teatro a Mil. Since 2017 Valentina Parada Gallo is working as co-director and performer with Colectivo Homónimo developing a strong interest on crossing her artistic roles with co-authorship, collectiveness, social performance and feminism.

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