Portrait of Shai Cohen

Shai Cohen © Bar-Ilan University

Shai Cohen

Born in Haifa in 1968, Shai Cohen is a composer and sound artist whose works span various genres and media. He creates immersive sound experiences with his compositions, installations and performances. Cohen’s music often explores the intersections of acoustic and electronic elements, creating unique soundscapes. His music has been performed by musicians and institutions such as the SNU Symphony Orchestra (Korea), the Moscow Contemporary Music Ensemble (Russia), members of the BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra (Scotland), the Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music (Japan) and the T’ang Quartet (Singapore).
Cohen’s music has been performed at events such as the ACL Asian Contemporary Music Festival (2003 / Japan, 2009 / Korea, 2012 / Israel, 2013 / Singapore, 2016 / Vietnam, 2018 / Taiwan), the University of Aberdeen Ogston Music Prize (2011), the 34th Annual Bowling Green New Music Festival (2013) and the Israeli Music Festival (2004, 2012).
Cohen is head of the Music and Technology programme at Bar-Ilan University and teaches live electronics, advanced studio recording, Arduino workshops, sound engineering and audio applications, among other subjects. He is also a lecturer at the Levinsky College of Education, Tel Aviv.

As of: September 2023

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