Bonaventure Soh Bejeng Ndikung is a curator, author, holding a PhD in biotechnology. Ndikung is professor for the MA program Spatial Strategies at the Weißensee School of Art, Berlin, and co-editor and author of numerous publications on aspects of cultural criticism and critical exhibition theory. Ndikung is also Artistic Director of the Dutch exhibition sonsbeek 20-24 and the 13th Rencontres de Bamako 2021, a biennial of African photography in Mali. He was Curator at Large of documenta 14 in Athens and Kassel, and Guest Curator of Dak'Art – Biennale de l'Art Africain Contemporain 2018 in Dakar, Senegal. Since 2009, he has been managing director and artistic director of SAVVY Contemporary, Berlin. For his work there, Ndikung received the Order of Merit of the State of Berlin in October 2020. In January 2023 Ndikung will take up his position as the new director at HKW.
As of: June 2021