Rocio Marano is a dancer, performer and video maker. Her artistic background ranges from graphic design and photography to dance and theater. She has worked with Juha Marsalo, Julian Weber, Susanne Grau, Julian Rauter, Alma Toaspern, Alfredo Zinola and Lea Kieffer with whom she has developed the “Ninja Practice”. Since 2012, this practice manifests in different ways: as constant research residencies, workshops and trainings, through making videos and dance performances. “Los Ninjas / Matter of Blood” was shown at Tanztage Berlin 2016. Rocio also creates her own work: “Insanity Solo” was selected for the Bienal de Performance de Buenos Aires 2017 and performed under the frame of Antihomanje DADA, 100 años de Cafe Voltaire at Centro Cultural Recoleta. She is the director of the video-documentary “Danza Sin Fin” (2012). In 2014 she collaborated producing the meta_media_lab art research at ImPulsTanz Vienna and received the DanceWEB scholarship under the mentorship of Tino Sehgal.
As of May 2018.