Victoria Myronyuk © private
Performer – Wińsko, Poland / Kolomvia, Ukraine
Participant International Forum 2023
Victoria Myronyuk (*1985 in Kolomyia, Ukraine) is an interdisciplinary artist, performer and theatre maker. She graduated from a course in “Theory of Culture” at the National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy in Kyiv, the master programme “Stage Practice and Visual Culture” (MPECV) in Madrid and the post-graduate course “Advanced Performance and Scenography Studies” (APASS) in Brussels. Due to the war in Ukraine, she has moved to a Polish village.
In recent years, she has been researching the topic of rituals: their boundaries and potential for constructing new forms of (stage) relationships between participants. The artist tends to reconstruct/deconstruct the ritualistic structures, trying out their possibilities for creating new performative practices which foster closeness among participants, deepen trust and facilitate sharing of experiences/stories.