Ewald Palmetshofer
Ewald Palmetshofer was born in Linz in 1978 and studied Theology in Vienna and Philosophy/Psychology at teacher training college. He was writer in residence at the Schauspielhaus Vienna in 2007/08, where he curated the series X Commandments in 2010. In 2008 he was chosen as Young Playwright of the Year in the critics’ poll for Theater Heute, won the Playwriting Prize of the Cultural Circle of German Business and was nominated for the Nestroy Prize in the Best Newcomer category for his play ‘living. under glass’. His plays ‘hamlet is dead. no gravity’ and ‘faust is hungry and chokes on a grete’ were invited to the Mülheimer Theatertagen in 2008 and 2010 respectively (having been premiered in 2007 and 2009 at the Schauspielhaus Vienna under the direction of Felicitas Brucker). His most recent play ‘animal. one becomes lower class after all please’ was premiered at the Staatsschauspiel Dresden (director: Simone Blattner) in 2010. In the 2010/11 season, Palmetshofer was writer in residence and guest dramaturg at the National Theatre Mannheim. He lives in Vienna.
As of May 2012.