Marius von Mayenburg

Marius von Mayenburg © Iko Freese

Marius von Mayenburg


Dramatist, director, dramaturge and translator Marius von Mayenburg was invited to the Stückemarkt in 1998 with the play “Feuergesicht” (Fireface). His plays include “Der Häßliche”, “Der Stein” and “Märtyrer”. After studying early German language and literature, he attended the Berlin University of the Arts to study Creative Writing for the Stage from 1994-1998 and went on to work at the Baracke in the Deutsches Theater Berlin. Since 1999, Marius von Mayenburg has been an in-house playwright and dramaturge at the Schaubühne on Lehniner Platz. He was awarded the Kleist Prize for Young Dramatists for “Feuergesicht” and the Frankfurt Authors’ Foundation Prize. The play has been translated into more than 30 languages and performed worldwide.

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