Myrto Sarma

Myrto Sarma © ReCompulsive Behaviours

Myrto Sarma

Theaterwissenschaftlerin, Kostümbildnerin, bildende Künstlerin

Theatrologist, costume designer, visual artist – Athens, Greece
Participant International Forum 2020/2021

Myrto Sarma is a theatrologist, costume designer and visual artist based in Athens. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Theatre Studies from the University of Athens, a Master’s degree in Costume Design from the London College of Fashion, for which she was awarded a scholarship from the Basil & Elise Goulandris Foundation, and an MFA from Athens School of Fine Arts. Her practice explores the relationship between performance, acting and politics, focusing on a wide range of topics from social diversity and conflict to collectiveness and political participation. Her work has been presented in Greece (Greek National Opera, National Theatre of Greece, Athens & Epidaurus Festival, Michael Cacoyannis Foundation, Benaki Museum), UK (Barbican, Sadler’s Wells), Cyprus (European Capital of Culture – Pafos2017, Center of Performing Arts MITOS) and Russia (State Historical Museum). In 2016 she co-founded, along with Dimitra Trousa, the ReCompulsive Behaviours Transdisciplinary Artist Collective. The collective’s body of work explores the collective dimension of social experience and the political dimension of collectiveness.

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