Portrait of Yevgeniy Breyger

Yevgeniy Breyger © Meridian Czernowitz, Julia Weber

Yevgeniy Breyger

Breyger was born in 1989 in Kharkiv, Ukraine, and moved to Germany with his family in 1999, where he studied cultural journalism, literary writing and curatorial studies. He has published several volumes of poetry, most recently “Frieden ohne Krieg” (Peace without War) with kookbooks, for which he was awarded the manuskripte Prize of the Province of Styria, the Mondseer Lyrikrpeis, the Christine Lavant Prize and the Klopstock Prize. Since 2021 visiting professor at the University of Hildesheim and the German Literature Institute Leipzig. Breyger currently lives in Vienna, teaches literary writing at the Akademie für Sprachkunst and is writing a novel that will be published by Suhrkamp Verlag in 2025. Breyger was a participant at the Treffen Junger Autor*innen 2010.

Stand: September 2024