Ensemble Resonanz © Tobias Schult
With its unique enthusiasm and artistic quality, the Ensemble Resonanz ranks as one of the world’s leading chamber orchestras. Their programmes connect classical and contemporary music, and their vivid interpretations create a special sort of resonance between the pieces, the audience and the stories told around the program. Although based in Hamburg, the musicians perform at various festivals and leading concert halls worldwide, captivating audiences from Vienna to Amsterdam to Tokyo to Bangkok and Hanoi. The eighteen members of the string ensemble are organized in a democratic way and work as equals, without a permanent conductor. However, partners such as the violist Tabea Zimmermann, the conductor Emilio Pomàrico or the cellist Jean-Guihen Queyras work with the ensemble on a regular basis. The strong artistic cooperation with the conductor, violinist and longtime friend of the Ensemble Riccardo Minasi will be even deepened during his Residency from 2018 on.
In Hamburg the musicians perform in two very different locations – Hamburg’s brand new Elbphilharmonie and the resonanzraum St. Pauli. The residency at the Elbphilharmonie includes the concert series Resonanzen, which consists of six large programmes per concert season and connect old and new repertoire in a mainly unconvential manner. The Ensemble also shapes the programme of the Elbphilharmonie through joint educational projects and various festivals, emphasizing a vivid presentation of classical and contemporary music. The home of the Ensemble Resonanz remains the resonanzraum – Europe’s first chamber music club – located within a converted bunker in the heart of St. Pauli. Here, the musicians present the monthly concert series URBAN STRING, developed by the musicians themselves and presented in co-operation with international DJs. The appropriately named „anchor events”, which invite the audience to new experiences around the Resonanzen concerts, take place here as well: from open rehearsals and philosophical discussions in the „bunkersalon”, to the experimental format „offbeat”. The resonanzraum was awarded Best Club of Hamburg in 2017 for its innovative programme and received the international AIT-Award and the BDA audience award for its exceptional architecture. The concert series URBAN STRING was also awarded the Innovation Award at the Classical Next Conference in 2016. As a venue for chamber music the resonanzraum opens its doors for concerts of other artists as well as for corporate events.
As of January 2018