Irem Aydin
Author, director – Istanbul, Turkey
Participant International Forum 2018
Irem Aydin is a playwright and director. She was born in 1990 in Istanbul, studied Spanish Language and Literature at Istanbul University and attended the Master Programme Theater Creation at University Carlos III de Madrid in Spain.
She represented Turkey in the international young playwrights festival INTERPLAY. Her play “#portraitofanordinarydinner” was translated into Swedish to be staged at Uppsala State Theater in 2018. Currently she works at Entropi Sahne as junior artistic director, where she also wrote and directed a play called ‘’Above the Ground Under the Clouds’’. At the moment she is working for a co-production project called ‘’Meet Me Halfway’’ with the Macedonian theater group Artopia as co-director, and another project, ‘’Thank You for Letting Me Touch Your Skin’’ is at the pipeline at Entropi Sahne. She also translated three plays from Spanish to Turkish. Her artistic focus lies in searching for new ways of theater and performance as a perception of current tragedies through digitalism. In her writing she mainly focuses on poetry of everyday life.