Urvi Vora

Urvi Vora © Aditya Sarin

Urvi Vora


Performer – New Delhi, India
Participant International Forum 2020/2021/2022

Urvi Vora is an artist based in New Delhi. Following her training in philosophy and dance anthropology, she has created works that have toured India and Europe, notably “SKUM. Manifesto” (India, 2019) and “This Is How You Move Them” (Europe, 2018, and 2021). These performance works exist somewhere in the overlaps between dance, film and theatre, with a focus on the body, the body in politics, and intimacy. Her work, “The Naked Lunch Series” (2019), was a participatory art and research project in which a group of strangers met every week for an orchestrated lunch and took part in conversations around notions of the body, nudity, and intimacy. In her writing as well as her performance work, she remains fascinated by what the body can do.

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