Carolin Wirth
Regisseurin, Kostümbildnerin
Director, costume designer – Wiesbaden, Germany
Participant International Forum 2018
Carolin Wirth was born in Wiesbaden in 1991 and works as a director and costume designer. From 2012 to 2014, she was a costume assistant at Staatstheater Mainz. During this time, she designed for various projects at Staatstheater Mainz and student films of the Mainz University of Applied Sciences. Carolin Wirth has been working as an assistant director at Hessisches Staatstheater Wiesbaden since 2014. She has worked with directors like Uwe Eric Laufenberg, Jan Philipp Gloger, Hakan Savaş Mican and Tina Lanik. In 2016, she developed the review of songs “Home Sweet / Sweet Home – Wie viel Heimat brauchen Sie?”, together with members of the acting company of Hessisches Staatstheater Wiesbaden. This was followed in November 2017 by the drama production “Aus dem bürgerlichen Heldenleben (From the Heroic Life of the Bourgeois)” by Carl Sternheim. She directed both productions and also designed the costumes. This autumn, Carolin Wirth will take up a directing course at the Academie voor Theater en Dans in Amsterdam.