Sabine Leucht © private
Sabine Leucht was born in 1966 and studied journalism and theatre studies at Freie Universität Berlin. Since 1998, she has been based in Munich and writes about dance and theatre for media including Süddeutsche Zeitung, taz, Theater der Zeit, Münchner Feuilleton and nachtkritik.de. Sabine Leucht has been a member of several juries, most recently for the Bavarian State Association for Contemporary Dance (BLZT), NPN-STEPPING OUT, Berliner Theatertreffen (2021 – 2023) and the Theatre Prize Berlin. Together with Petra Paterno and Katrin Ullmann, she edited the publication “Status Quote – Theater im Umbruch: Regisseurinnen im Gespräch”, published by Henschel Verlag in 2023.
Stand: January 2024