Mona el Gammal

Mona el Gammal © Torben Otten

Mona el Gammal

Born in Bochum in 1986, Mona el Gammal studied scenography at Hochschule für Gestaltung Karlsruhe/ZKM and has been conceiving and directing interdisciplinary projects since then. She has worked with La Fura dels Baus and for Nationalgalerie Berlin, among others. Most recently, she worked as set and costume designer and performer with SIGNA at Deutsches Schauspielhaus Hamburg and at the Republique Theatre Copenhagen.
She has been developing narrative spaces since 2006, parallel worlds which absorb the viewers and turn them into protagonists. Her narrative space “HAUS//NUMMER/NULL” received the Kölner Theaterpreis 2013 and was presented at the Stückemarkt of the Theatertreffen in 2014.
“RHIZOMAT”, the continuation of this work, was presented by the Berliner Festspiele as part of the new programme format “Immersion”.

As of May 2017.

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