Christoph Leibold

Christoph Leibold

Christoph Leibold

Christoph Leibold was born in Munich in 1969 and studied English and German in Munich. He served a journalistic internship at Bayerischer Rundfunk and since 1999 has worked as an arts journalist for Bayerischer Rundfunk’s radio division (Bayern 2). He is theatre critic for Deutschlandradio Fazit and the magazine “Theater der Zeit”. He has been a juror for the Lore Bronner Prize for Acting and for the Bayerische Theatertage (2009, 2010, 2012) and is a current jury member for the Bayerische Kunstförderpreis in the performing arts category. He is a radio presenter and the author of numerous radio features, particularly on theatre and the arts in Bavaria.

As of May 2014.

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