A portrait of a person in a white T-shirt, trees in the background

Klara Liebig © Julius Behler

Klara Liebig

Klara Liebig grew up on the outskirts of Berlin and learnt about ballet at the age of twelve. She gained stage experience as a student at the Berlin State Ballet School and graduated from the dance theatre profile in 2018. She got to know the urban dance scene and became part of it herself. After graduating from high school, she completed a voluntary social year in political youth education, studied theatre studies and is now expanding her experience with a master's degree in media studies at the Film University Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF. Liebig combines political education with dance education work and runs workshops and projects alongside her studies. In 2020, she took part in the Tanztreffen der Jugend as a dancer as part of the duo Klaraadama, and in 2021 she hosted her first Dance Battle. She also coordinates youth encounters for dance and theatre productions and is active in various institutions, foundations, schools, youth centres and associations. Empowering young people through dance is particularly important to her.

Stand: June 2024