Thomas Jonigk

Thomas Jonigk © T + T Fotografie

Thomas Jonigk


Thomas Jonigk is a playwright, novelist and librettist as well as a theatre director and dramaturge. He was invited to the Stückemarkt in 1994 with his play ”Rottweiler”. After studying Mediaeval Studies, Modern German Literature and Theatre Studies, he began work as a dramaturge in the area of acting and opera in Germany, Austria, Switzerland and France. He directed the Author’s Laboratory, a project to support young dramatists at the Düsseldorf Schauspielhaus, for 5 years. His plays, including “Du sollst mir Enkel schenken”, “Täter”, “Diesseits” and “Weiter träumen” have been translated into many languages. His third novel entitled “Melodram” has recently been published.

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