Tanja Šljivar

Tanja Šljivar © Milovan Milenković

Tanja Šljivar

Tanja Šljivar was born in Banja Luka in 1988 and studied dramaturgy at the Faculty for Performing Arts in Belgrade. She has written several plays which have been performed or read in Bosnia, Croatia, Spain, Germany and Austria, as well as short stories, radio plays, screenplays for short films and non-fiction texts in the field of theatre studies. Her play “So wie alle anderen Draufgängerinnen auch” was nominated for the Retzhoferdramapreis in 2017. Tanja Šljivar won several awards for her plays, which have been translated into English, German, French and Hungarian. She is currently in a Master’s Programme at the Institute for Applied Theatre Studies in Gießen.

As of April 2017

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