Dirk Laucke

Dirk Laucke © Karoline Bofinger

Dirk Laucke


Dramatist, radio playwright and scriptwriter Dirk Laucke was invited to the Stückemarkt in 2006 with his play “alter ford escort dunkelblau”. Having studied Psychology in Leipzig, he went on to study Creative Writing for the Stage at the Berlin University of Arts. Other plays by Dirk Laucke are “Für alle reicht es nicht” (Not Enough For Everyone), which had its world premiere in 2009 at the Staatstheater Dresden as part of the After The Fall project. It was also invited to the Mülheim Theatre Festival, “Angst und Abscheu in der BRD” (Fear and Loathing in the FRG), which had its world premiere in 2011 at the Theater Oberhausen/Ringlokschuppen Mülheim an der Ruhr as well as “Einigkeit und …”, a research project on the situation of the Sinti and Roma in Europe, which had its world premiere in 2012 at Theater Heidelberg. Dirk Laucke’s plays have been invited on several occasions to the Mülheim Theatre Festival. He was awarded a grant for the Author’s Laboratory at the Düsseldorf Schauspielhaus and has won the Kleist Prize for Young Dramatists, the Dramatists’ Prize from the Cultural Commission of the Federation of German Industries (BDI) and the Georg Kaiser Prize from the Federal State of Sachsen-Anhalt.

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