Portrait of Nora Köhler

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Nora Köhler

performer, director, multidisciplinary theatre maker

Performer, director, multidisciplinary theatre maker – Graz, Austria
Participant International Forum 2024

Nora Köhler was born in Graz, Austria, in 1991 and studied linguistics and global studies at KF Universität Graz and performative art at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna. She often integrates interdisciplinary approaches in her work, exploring the connections between performance, music and fine arts. Her works are frequently dedicated to the interfaces of language, identity and power from a feminist perspective. She explores issues like memory, perception, society and social dynamics, experimenting with a wide range of media to create multidisciplinary works. 

Since 2015, she has been producing as a co-founder of the Austrian performance collective “Das Planetenparty Prinzip” who focus on the development of plays as well as multi-media performances. The group has presented their works at festivals including steirischer herbst, SCHÄXPIR, La Strada and Starke Stücke as well as at LOFFT – DAS THEATER in Leipzig and at mumok in Vienna. 

In 2023, Nora Köhler founded the collective KRA, an interdisciplinary satire project that realises theatre, film and performance projects and aims at carrying out one international co-production per year. The first project took place in Barcelona. 

In 2020, she received an artist-in-residence grant from the State of Styria and worked in Sarajevo for two months.

Furthermore, Nora Köhler works as a director and theatre educator with young people and is active as a musician. 

As of: April 2024

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