Klaus Riedel

Klaus Riedel, born 1969, head of studies and teacher for German, politics and performing arts at the Obersberg Model School in Bad Hersfeld. Instructor in teacher training for performing arts/theatre; workshop leader on classic productions, theatre theory and didactics; organiser of various theatre festivals. Invited with several school theatre productions to the Theatertreffen der Jugend and the Schultheater der Länder school theatre. Lectureships at universities in Hanover and Zurich. Publications with Klett and Edition Körber; member of the group of authors of the textbook series "Grundkurs Darstellendes Spiel" and "Bausteine Darstellendes Spiel", Schroedel-Verlag; member of the editorial group of the magazine Schultheater.

As of: May 2018

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