Alexandru Weinberger-Bara

Alexandru Weinberger-Bara

Alexandru Weinberger-Bara


Director – Vienna, Austria & Oradea, Romania
Participant International Forum 2019

Alexandru Weinberger-Bara was born in Oradea, Romania, in 1995. From 2013 to 2017, he studied Directing at the Max Reinhardt Seminar in Vienna under Anna-Maria Krassnigg and Martin Kusej. At the same time, he was an intern and assistant at Munich’s Residenztheater and at the Vienna Volkstheater. He staged scenic readings at Volkstheater and at Schauspielhaus Wien. He directed his first plays at the university, including “Aufzeichnungen aus dem Kellerloch (Notes from Underground)” by F.M. Dostoevsky (which was presented at Theater in der Josefstadt, Vienna), “Country Music” by Simon Stephens, “Foxfinder” by Dawn King (graduation production), “Hungaricum” by the Presnyakov Brothers (scenic reading for the festival Neues Wiener Volkstheater) and “Der Mann mit der Zündholzschachtel”, together with texts from “Niederungen” by Herta Müller (radio play at the Max Reinhardt Seminar in cooperation with the Austrian Broadcasting Corporation). His first own productions followed: “Mitleid. Die Geschichte des Maschinengewehrs” by Milo Rau at Volkstheater in Vienna, “Fräulein Julie (Miss Julie)” by August Strindberg at Theater Königin Maria in Oradea, Romania, and “Mein Hundemund” by Werner Schwab at WERK X-Petersplatz in Vienna. Alexandru Weinberger-Bara currently lives in Vienna and works as a freelance director.

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