Kristina Dreit

Kristina Dreit

Kristina Dreit

Regisseurin, Dramaturgin

Director/dramaturg – Hildesheim, Germany
Participant International Forum 2019

The director and dramaturg Kristina Dreit was born in Krupskoje, Kazakhstan and studied Theatre and Media in Hildesheim. During her time as a student, she founded the theatre collective Die Soziale Fiktion and went on to develop productions with them. The collective’s works have been presented across the German-language region and beyond: at Treibstoff Theatertage Basel, Het Veem Theater in Amsterdam and the Bâtard Festival in Brussels. Their production “Steppengesänge” won the jury awards of Körber Studio Junge Regie at Thalia Theater Hamburg and at the 100° Berlin Festival at HAU Hebbel am Ufer. She was co-director of the project space “INTERNET&TACOS // Raum für digitale Kultur und Netzpolitik” in Hildesheim and co-author of the feature film “Sleep Timer”. Currently, she is working on a project called “Working Class Daughters”, an intersectional approach that focusses on the structural category of “class”, based on biographical moments of post-Soviet nature. Most recently, she (together with Anna Trzpis-McLean and Karolina Dreit) conducted an artistic research on women’s movements and industrial conflicts in the Ruhrgebiet.

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