Portrait of Victoria Andrea Herrera Erazo

Victoria Andrea Herrera Erazo © private

Victoria Andrea Herrera Erazo

director, clown, actor, producer in theatre

Director, clown, actor, producer in theatre – Francisco Morazán, Honduras
Participant International Forum 2024

Victoria Andrea Herrera Erazo is a scenic artist from Comayagüela, Francisco Morazán, Honduras. Since graduating from the National School of Dramatic Art, her career in the theatrical world has led her to direct, produce, act, and recently write theatre. Since her beginnings in independent theatre in November 2015, she has participated in various stage productions that share the essence of posing questions, making inequalities visible, and dreaming of a more just and equitable world as central themes. She has explored a variety of spaces, techniques, and styles in the performing arts, from performance, clowning, street theatre, and other scenic languages, with the aim to express and share her message through the stage. Furthermore, she has collaborated in the production of discussions with theatre organisations, managing spaces for art and promoting the visibility of the guild to society.

Likewise, she has participated in conversation circles with women artists from Honduras and the Latin American region. Currently, she is producing and presenting theatre in alternative spaces focusing on clowning and performative interventions. She is also involved in the organization of the IV Festiclown Honduras 2024, where performances by national and international artists are being managed to bring these shows to the most unusual places in the capital city.

As of: April 2024

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