Rency Philip

Rency Philip © Akash Sebastian

Rency Philip

Schauspielerin, Puppenspielerin

Actor/puppeteer – Bangalore, India
Participant International Forum 2019

Rency Philip is an actress and puppeteer, performing for children and adults in venues and festivals across India since 2009. She teaches children theatre, puppetry and construction of puppets and masks fashioning them with found, reusable materials.

With productions such as “Somewhat Like a Balloon” (2012), “How to Skin a Giraffe” (2013), “Monkey and Mobile” (2016), she started to improvise scenes and to write her dialogues in vernacular languages. Through these plays, she combined physical comedy and theatrical storytelling in her performances.

In 2016 she gave up her residence in Bangalore to work with troupes across India. Whilst her residence at Théâtre du Soleil, Paris, she devised and staged the political play “Land of Ashes” (2017). She began to animate through shadow puppetry with “Fabulous Adventures of Aditi and Friends” (2012), “How Cow Now Cow” (2015) and “The Maharaja of Mastipur” (2018). In 2018 she received the Inlaks Theatre Award that helped to further her skills in puppetry.

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