Alexander Manuiloff

Alexander Manuiloff

Alexander Manuiloff


Alexander Manuiloff was born in Sofia and studied literature at the University of Sofia as well as screen-writing at the New Bulgarian University. He works as an author, dramaturg and journalist. In 2012, he took part in the New York Drama League’s exchange programme. For “Film” (2004), he received the Bulgarian Authors’ Association’s award for the best fiction debut and was a scholarship holder of Prague’s Charles University. He is a founding member of both Litourne, a funding programme for young Bulgarian writers and of the first Independent Theatre Festival in Sofia (2011). His plays have been produced in Sofia, Prague, Baltimore and Berlin. Since 2012, Alexander Manuiloff has been publishing his plays, novels, screenplays and articles on the internet. A first version of “The State” was created at Sofia’s Mini Art Fest Fo in February 2014.

As of February 2015

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