Anna Stiede
Anna Stiede studied Political Sciences in Marburg and Milan. She works as a freelance political educator, communication trainer and Italian-German translator (among others for the Istoreco Institute Reggio Emilia). To have been born in a country that does no longer exists on the map – the GDR – is a fact constantly accompanying her. Her topics include the stories of social movements, reproductive economy and communication. She loves to bring people together by connecting communication and history to better understand the present and shape the future together. She is part of the preparation group “30 Years Autumn ’89 – Let's Call It Revolution” and curator at the House of Democracy and Human Rights. To her, the visualization of yet untold stories of solidarity from the East offers an invigorating political method. If time permits, she periodically writes essays, articles and commentaries. Together with other great women she founded the Institute of Women Political Scientists.
As of March 2019.